Q. Is this website a business website in itself?
A. No, this website is a “shop window”, a presentation of me, my skills, and the range of professional services I offer my clients. Any work arising from a visit to this site will be carried out by me via professional services firms authorised, licensed and insured to carry out the work.
Q. Who is Nexa Law?
A. All legal work is carried out through the consultancy agreement between Loftus Stowe Ltd and Nexa Law Ltd t/a Nexa Law, a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) under licence number 633024.
Q. What is Loftus Stowe?
A. Established in March 2011, Loftus Stowe is the limited company under company number 07552548. It is a consultancy which provides tax advice and business support services to its clients who are mainly individuals, business owners and other professionals. The firm is registered with HMRC as a tax agent for purposes of self-assessment, negotiations and anti-money laundering regulations.
Q. How does your website work?
A. I present you with information about me, my professional background and skill set and provide you with an overview of how I could help you. I invite you to peruse my information in the hope that you might find something of interest. If you do, there is a link to either Nexa Law or Loftus Stowe where I will carry out the work you ask me to assist you under the terms and conditions of each of these businesses.
Q. Can I engage you directly through the website?
A. Yes you can, but for a limited service in the form of a fixed time consultation. A consultation is a cost-effective way to get initial information and guidance on your enquiry. You can engage me for a consultation by scheduling an appointment using the link to Calendly an online appointment scheduling software which will allow you to pick a time slot for a consultation with me – for a fixed fee which will be billed via Loftus Stowe, the company which employs me.