+44 01925 937499

Restructuring & Insolvency

There comes a time when taking advice on managing debt becomes necessary. Yes, it can be embarrassing to have to face the realities of business or personal (or sometimes both) financial challenges, but often the first line of defence is to mitigate. I have clients who have resolved their challenges long before they escalate. I advise in the following areas;

Tax Services

It is HMRC’s job to collect the ‘right amount’ of tax from us, and as law abiding citizens we should rightly pay what’s due. That said, there is no law in the land that requires…

Employment Law

Running your own business can be both rewarding and profitable, but it is also rife with complications especially where the employment of staff are concerned. You don’t have to deal with this all by yourself. I can either walk you through the employment of your very first employee or assist with building the HR structure for the management of your growing workforce.

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Unfortunately, disputes are a fact of life and can be expensive if left to fester. I can work with you to resolve your dispute with shareholders, creditors or other third parties. A primary objective being to achieve a negotiated settlement or where necessary, guide you through the litigation process.

Company & Commerical Law

Whether you’re thinking of forming a company/formations, defining shareholder rights, seeking company secretarial services, acquiring or selling a business, I am here to assist you through all stages available to assist on an ad hoc or retainer basis.