HMRC and Time to Pay Arrangements: What You Need to Know When facing financial difficulties, paying taxes on time can be a challenge for individuals, partnerships, and companies alike. On a discretionary basis, His Majesty's…
The increasing cost of incorporating a company
Perhaps not as widely known as the much publicised changes to company law is the fact that due to an increase in charges levied by Companies House, fees associated with incorporating and maintaining a company…
Company insolvencies on an upward trend
Although showing a slight improvement from March, the number of company insolvencies in April of this year was more than double the number from April 2021. This shows just how important it is to get…
Debt evading directors face new Insolvency Service powers
Directors who abuse the company dissolution process in order to evade debts, including the repayment of government-backed Covid-19 business loans, will be subject to stronger powers given to the Insolvency Service. These new powers were…